Papers by Elie Bursztein

Secrets, Lies, and Account Recovery

Today’s paper appeared in WWW 2015 and was also summarized on Google’s security blog. The subtitle is Lessons from the Use of Personal Knowledge Questions at Google, and the basic conclusion is: security questions (for recovering access to an account when you’ve forgotten your password) are terribly insecure. Well, duh, you are probably thinking, the answers are right there on my social network profile for anyone to read. That’s true, but it’s not the angle this paper takes. This paper is more interested in guessing by attackers who haven’t read your social network profile. At most, they know your preferred language and country of residence. It turns out that, if you only ask one security question for account recovery, three guesses by this adversary are sufficient to penetrate 10–20% of accounts; that is how many people typically share the most frequent three answers per language. (Depending on the question and language, it might be much worse; for instance, the three most common places of birth for Korean speakers cover 40% of that population.)

They also observe that questions where there should be no shared answers (what is your frequent flyer number?) do have shared answers, because people give fake answers, and the fake answers tend to be things like 123456790. This brings the security of such questions down to the level of all the others. Finally, there is a user survey, from which the most telling two items are: People think account recovery via security question is more secure and more reliable than account recovery via a secret code sent to them in a text message or email (precisely the opposite is true). People give fake answers because they want to avoid having the answers be visible on their social network profile (or otherwise easy to find).

If someone knows almost nothing about you, why are they bothering to try to take over your account? Probably the two most important reasons are they need throwaway addresses to send spam with and if they steal $100 from ten thousand people, that adds up to a million dollars. These are compelling enough that any major online service provider (such as Google) sees continuous, bulk, brute-force attacks by adversaries who don’t care which accounts they compromise. The authors don’t say, but I wouldn’t be surprised if those attacks constituted a supermajority of all attacks on Google accounts.

Turning it around, though, the probable negative consequences of having your account cracked by a spammer who doesn’t know or care about you as a person are really not that bad, compared to what someone who knows you and bears you a personal grudge could do. (Ransomware is the most prominent counterexample at present.) Google as a corporate entity is right to worry more about the most frequent type of attack they see—but you as an individual are probably also right to worry more about an attack that’s much less common but has way more downside for you. I think this contrast of priorities explains fake answers and the general reluctance to adopt two-factor authentication, recovery codes, etc. all of which might provide a security benefit in the future but definitely make life more inconvenient now. So Long, And No Thanks for the Externalities and How Do We Design For Learned Helplessness? go into considerably more detail on that point. (Facebook may well have improved their password reset sequence since the latter was written.) On a related note, if someone happens to have an email address or phone number that isn’t already looped back into the account that needs a recovery contact point, they might well consider it critically important that the panopticon running that account does not find out about it!