Papers tagged ‘Education’

Students Who Don’t Understand Information Flow Should Be Eaten: An Experience Paper

On a completely different and much lighter note from Wednesday, today we’re going to look at a paper about teaching students information-flow theory with Werewolf.

Werewolf (also known as Mafia) is a game in which the players are divided into two groups, the werewolves (or mafiosi) and the villagers, and each is trying to wipe the other out at a rate of one murder per turn. There are a whole bunch of variants. Normally this is played around a table, as a game of strategic deception: only the werewolves know who the werewolves are, and they participate as villagers on the villagers’ turn. In this paper, it becomes a game played online, of surveillance and countersurveillance: the villagers are actively encouraged to exploit information leaks in the game server and discover who the werewolves are. (In a normal game this would be cheating.)

The authors don’t report how this teaching method compares to traditional lectures on any quantitative basis (e.g. final exam scores, class grades). However, they do say that the students loved the exercise, met up outside of official class hours to discuss strategies and plan, and that over the term the exploits and countermeasures grew steadily more sophisticated, in some cases requiring adjustments to the game server to ensure that both sides could still win. It’s hard to imagine this level of student engagement not leading to better grades, better retention, and deeper interest in the material.

I think this is a brilliant idea and not just for teaching information flow. One of the hardest things to teach in a security course is what Bruce Schneier calls the security mindset: intentionally thinking about how a system can be caused to fail, to do something it’s not intended to do. In particular, it is in tension with the usual engineering mindset, which focuses on verifying that something works when used as designed. (Safety engineering and failure analysis have more of the security mindset about them, but usually focus on failures due to accident rather than malice.) But it is exactly how you need to think to successfully cheat at a game, or to notice when someone else is cheating—and in that context, it’s going to be familiar to most college students. Using a game of strategic deception as the backdrop will also encourage students to think along the right lines. I’d like to see this idea adapted to teach other challenging notions in security—penetration testing is the obvious one, but maybe also code exploitation and key management?